Buzz marketing or how to take advantage of virality on social networks

In today’s marketing, there are different strategies to achieve a main objective: know your product and increase awareness of your brand. Some of them are based on advertising investment, but […]

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In today’s marketing, there are different strategies to achieve a main objective: know your product and increase awareness of your brand. Some of them are based on advertising investment, but others draw on unusual ingenuity. Buzz marketing consists of putting creativity at the service of business objectives, relying on the virality of content.

In this article, we want to tell you how buzz marketing works so that you know how to exploit it with your product or company. You will make many people know you in a simple way, since we will give you the strategies you will need to achieve your goals. Do not miss it!

Buzz marketing concept

As we have been announcing, buzz marketing falls within what we call viral marketing. What is virality? In taking advantage of the potential of a campaign or a series of content to spread quickly on social networks. We all know a famous campaign from a brand that generated a stir and that, perhaps, made you discover it for the first time.

In other words, buzz marketing creates conversation around a product, taking advantage of the full potential of social media such as Facebook or Instagram. By getting everyone to view the viral content about the product or brand, they achieve their awareness goals. As a general rule, buzz marketing manages to multiply sales, since no one wants to be left out of what is “popular” at the moment.

Before going fully into explaining the basis of buzz marketing, we want to indicate the differences it has with word-of-mouth marketing. And these are similar disciplines that can be confused with each other. Well, buzz marketing is based on social networks and the potential they have for content to be shared by the largest number of people in the shortest time possible.

For its part, word-of-mouth marketing is based on a series of actions, especially in the offline world, so that consumers are the ones who recommend the product and build a wave of recommendations that has an impact on sales.

Basics of buzz marketing

In the next section, we are going to focus on the basis of buzz marketing. As you well know, they will circulate through virality, since it is a marketing that seeks to exploit skills such as creativity. It is what today we could call disruptive marketing.


Whenever a topic generates great curiosity in us, we want to know more. Thus, one of the bases of buzz marketing is this, generating curiosity through content.


A fundamental part of the content used in buzz marketing is trust. How do we understand trust? In the end, many of these viral contents are created by well-known people who generate trust. Thus, many brands take advantage of this aspect to include famous people in their campaigns so that the content goes viral much faster.


The message must be interesting for the user to share it. Here we are interested in you viewing it, but, above all, in sharing it and continuing to spread it.


When we talk about virality, we refer to the content that gives rise to an interaction. In buzz marketing, we must generate content that encourages these interactions.

Advantages of buzz marketing

Buzz marketing, as we know, seeks to generate conversation among potential customers with the aim of getting them to buy the product. Thus, we can say that it is more than just making viral content, since it is about attracting them to that content and turning them into a recurring customer. What are the advantages of doing this type of marketing?

  • Credibility and trust.
  • Low cost: In the end, buzz marketing can be cheaper, since you will get a large number of people talking about your brand. And you need? Just a series of content.
  • Organic reach: buzz marketing relies on this metric, since it seeks wide dissemination on social networks through people who share the content.
  • Greater impact and memory: as we have said, curiosity or virality are two bases of this marketing. Thus, it generates a more lasting impact on people’s memories.
  • Generation of authentic content: buzz marketing is based on authentic content, which forms an advantage for your company or brand.
  • Increase in sales: one of the objectives of buzz marketing lies in increasing sales.
  • Brand strengthening: Buzz marketing helps build a strong and positive brand image.
  • Community creation: this buzz marketing provides valuable feedback, as well as a community of followers who like your content and identify with your brand.

Types of buzz marketing strategies

Within buzz marketing, different campaigns can be used. Some of them rely on controversy, generating a community around a hot topic. However, others rely on the comic world, bringing a smile to the potential client, and thus connecting with them. When choosing one strategy or another, we must take into account what brand image you want to build.

  • Inspirational buzz: this buzz marketing strategy uses stories that inspire or motivate the audience, with the aim of making them easy to share.
  • Comic buzz: here the company works on a series of content that makes people laugh. Through humor they get people to remember the brand.
  • Controversial buzz: this buzz marketing strategy is somewhat more complex. You must be careful because it is about generating debate or controversy around the brand, which can turn against it.
  • Outrageous buzz: there is a bit of play with popular beliefs here. In the end, it generates relative outrage among the public and generates conversation about the brand.
  • Secret Buzz: Secrets, clues or exclusive information are an incredible weapon to retain people’s attention.

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