5 lean manufacturing tools you should know

Lean manufacturing is an essential methodology to achieve optimal production processes. Its principles guide the care of product quality, the saving of resources and the timely maintenance of machinery and equipment […]

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Lean manufacturing is an essential methodology to achieve optimal production processes. Its principles guide the care of product quality, the saving of resources and the timely maintenance of machinery and equipment involved in the production chain. This methodology also has tools that facilitate the work, control and monitoring of operations. 

In this text, we tell you about 5 lean manufacturing tools that you should know. 

Definition of lean manufacturing 

To begin with, lean manufacturing is a methodology widely used in the industrial sector. But what does it consist of? Roughly speaking, when applying it, the aim is to maximize the value of the products through the optimization of production processes, in which the aim is to minimize loss or generation of waste. 

Originating in the Toyota production system, this methodology is concerned with enhancing the flow of materials and minimizing costs associated with excess inventory, waiting times and defects in the resulting products. 

All in all, lean manufacturing seeks the continuous improvement of production systems to, on the one hand, contribute to the well-being of operators and specialists and, on the other hand, create value with the least amount of resources. Hence, it is a methodology that requires a comprehensive approach oriented towards not only adaptation to new technologies, but also innovation. 

Keys to lean manufacturing 

The lean manufacturing methodology has principles that are key to improving both business strategy and production efficiency. What are they? These keys are detailed below: 

  • Effectiveness is one of the main keys, since customer satisfaction is one of the company’s greatest concerns. In fact, meeting their expectations is a demonstration of correct application of this methodology. 
  • Efficiency is linked to the optimization of the use of materials. As seen, the aim is to create value through the systematic elimination of waste or residue. 
  • Innovation goes beyond the application of technological solutions; It also has to do with leadership that allows us to identify opportunities for improvement. At this point, efforts are focused on proposing innovative alternatives to solve difficulties or improve processes. 

However, to fully understand this, it is necessary to understand that lean manufacturing also has certain guidelines, namely: 

  • Do it just in time ( just in time ) and the first time. 
  • Eliminate processes or activities that detract from value. 
  • Continuously improve product quality. 
  • Produce on demand to optimize inventory. 
  • Improve relationships with suppliers. 
  • Provide solutions for clients or consumers. 

lean manufacturing tools

In the lean manufacturing methodology, there are various tools that help optimize processes and eliminate waste. Some of the most important lean manufacturing tools are described below. 

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) 

This is a tool that seeks to maximize the efficiency of a company’s physical assets, such as machinery and other instruments used in production. This is a preventive approach that uses at least eight essential aspects to achieve optimal equipment operation, namely: 

  • Identification of areas for improvement. 
  • Autonomous maintenance of machinery (supervision of operators). 
  • Planned maintenance (scheduled inspections). 
  • Quality maintenance (identify factory defects). 
  • Administration of the previous points. 
  • Training and preparation of operators. 
  • Sustainability and prevention of occupational risks. 

Continuous flow or one piece flow 

The manufacturing of one piece at a time through a systematized and uninterrupted process is known as continuous flow or, in English, one piece flow. In the lean manufacturing methodology, this tool is essential to reduce waiting times, as well as manage excess inventory or stock. In addition to this, continuous flow increases efficiency, reduces downtime, waiting and, above all, waste, derived from such circumstances. 

Task automation 

In lean manufacturing, what is currently a mandatory method in all industries cannot be missing: automation. This refers to the incorporation of technologies, digital solutions and automated systems to perform repetitive, precise and complex tasks with greater precision compared to human labor. In this sense, automation involves reducing errors, accelerating processes, improving control and collecting data on operations. With this, the just in time principle is fulfilled. 


Poka-Yoke is a method created by Toyota to avoid or minimize mistakes in the production chain and even storage. How is it applied? It begins with the analysis and understanding of the task; Once this is completed, a strategy or procedure is created to optimize the process, since you want to avoid defects or errors. At all times, the objective is to guarantee product quality

Value Stream Mapping (VSM) 

The value stream map or, in English, value stream mapping is a tool designed to observe and analyze material flows throughout the production process; In addition, information is collected that makes it possible to identify and eliminate activities that detract from manufacturing. With the flow map created, companies can identify jams or bottlenecks, inactivity, waiting times and other problems. As a consequence, available resources and time are optimized. 

Advantages and disadvantages of using these tools 

These are the advantages and disadvantages of applying the 5 lean manufacturing tools mentioned above. 


The use of lean manufacturing tools offers numerous advantages. Among them, those that we have already pointed out: reduction of defects, improvement of efficiency and optimization of costs associated with the production process. Indeed, these tools allow companies to quickly adapt to changes in demand and reduce excess inventory, which translates into lower operating costs. 


However, the implementation of these tools also has certain drawbacks. Requires a significant initial investment in training and adaptation of existing processes. Additionally, it can be complex to integrate these tools into traditional production systems, which can lead to resistance to change. Despite these challenges, the long-term benefits of adopting lean manufacturing often outweigh the initial difficulties.

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