Digital Kit: what it is and how to request it

Did you know that the Spanish Government launched the Digital Kit Program to promote the digital transformation of SMEs and self-employed workers? If you are part of any of these groups and […]

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Did you know that the Spanish Government launched the Digital Kit Program to promote the digital transformation of SMEs and self-employed workers? If you are part of any of these groups and have not yet applied for aid, you still have time, since the application deadlines have been extended until December 2024. 

In this post, we tell you everything you need to know about it. 

Digital Kit: what does it consist of? 

The Digital Kit is a program of the Spanish Government that seeks to promote the digitalization of the economic and productive activities of SMEs and self-employed workers by subsidizing digital solutions. This aid extends to all sectors regardless of the type of business, since the main objective of this initiative is to promote the digital transformation of the country’s business landscape. 

This is a set of aid financed by the Next Generation funds of the European Union within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Economic Resilience Plan of the Government of Spain. The Digital Strategy 2026 and, inserted in the latter, the SME Digitalization Plan 2021-26 are derived from this plan, in which the Digital Kit is one of the most notable measures. 

With a budget of more than 3 billion euros, the program seeks to influence 10 critical categories for the acceleration of the digitalization of companies, where the promotion of digital skills and the implementation of new technologies (eg artificial intelligence) are the main purposes of aid.  

Who are the beneficiaries of the Digital Kit? 

As seen, the Digital Kit is aimed exclusively at small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) , as well as self-employed or self-employed workers

What are the objectives of the Digital Kit? 

The Digital Kit has 5 objectives. These are: 

  • Promote the digitalization of SMEs and the self-employed. 
  • Promote the digital transformation of as many SMEs as possible. 
  • Promote the digital maturity of target companies and workers. 
  • Promote the strengthening of SMEs through digital solutions. 
  • Improve access to digital solutions

Requirements to access the Digital Kit 

Compliance with the following requirements allows access to the Digital Kit: 

  • Be within one of the following categories: microbusiness, small business or self-employed worker (self-employed). 
  • Be within the financial limits of each category of company. 
  • Be registered and meet the minimum seniority. 
  • That the company is not in crisis. 
  • Have complied with all the obligations of the Tax Agency and Social Security. 
  • Be exempt from prohibitions contained in the General Law of Subsidies (Law 38/2003 of November 17, art. 13.2). 

Steps to request help from the Digital Kit 

If you have wondered how to request the Digital Kit for your company or your self-employment, 3 steps are necessary to access the aid of the Digital Kit. Let’s see what they consist of: 

  1. Record. The first step is to register on the corresponding website and complete the data requested in the sections that make up the self-diagnosis test. The information provided at this time is essential to know, on the one hand, the level of digitalization of the company and, on the other hand, personalize the offer of digital solutions. 
  2. Catalogue of digital solutions. This is a list of available solutions that cover the most important categories regarding the promotion of digitalization of SMEs and the self-employed. It is possible to choose one or more solutions, always taking into account the real needs of the business. 
  3. Digital Kit Request. After the first two steps, it is necessary to complete the form. Once this is done, the application process for digital solutions for SMEs and the self-employed is completed. 

Aid contemplated in the Digital Kit 

The Digital Kit includes various categories of digital solutions for SMEs and the self-employed. Which are?  

  • Creation of website and strengthening of internet presence 
  • Creation of an electronic store for e-commerce activities. 
  • Promote the SME on social networks 
  • Digitization and optimization of customer management. 
  • Implementation of business intelligence tools for informed decisions. 
  • Implementation of virtual office services and tools for communication and human resources management. 
  • Digitization and automation of SME processes. 
  • Issuance of electronic invoices. 
  • Secure communication between employees and the company. 
  • Implementation of advanced cybersecurity measures. 

Deadlines to access the Digital Kit 

The deadlines to access the Digital Kit were established in various calls throughout the 2021-2023 period. In the first call of this period, SMEs with between 10 and 49 workers were considered. 

Following this, the other calls were segmented according to the size of the requesting companies: between 3 and 10 employees, and between 3 and 0 employees. 

The aid is set in amounts following the composition of each of these groups: 12,000, 6,000 and 2,000 euros, respectively. 

Given the success of the program, the application period was extended until December 31, 2024. During this additional period, companies and self-employed workers will be able to submit their applications to access the different digital solutions. 

The calls are collected on the official Acelera Pyme website. 

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